Raw Data:
The raw data below lists the most current MLS residential market data for Clark County, WA. It also divides the total number of active listings by the number of solds in the last 30 days to arrive at a "months' supply." A 3-5 months' supply is considered a "balanced" market as in it is neither a buyer's or a seller's market. This data does NOT include raw land, multi-unit, or commercial listings.
Total Actives and Pendings by Date:
This chart lists the historical residential actives and pending listings in Clark County. Note that the lines fluctuate due to the weekly cyclical nature of listings. Typically new listings are made live mostly on Thursday and Friday and listings will typically go pending on Monday or Tuesday.
Months' Supply by Date:
This chart lists the historical residential months' supply in Clark County. Months' supply is the total number of actives divided by the total number of sales in the previous 30 days. This chart will fluctuate as closings typically are scheduled for later in the month. It will also fluctuate as the number of total properties in Clark County does not represent a large enough dataset to produce a smooth line.
Average 30 Day Running Sold Price by Date:
This chart lists the average sales price of residential properties sold in the past 30 days. This chart will fluctuate as the number of total properties in Clark County does not represent a large enough dataset to produce a smooth line. For example a number of high-priced closings can cause the average to appear higher temporarily.
Raw Data:
The following charts are interactive. You may hover your mouse over the trendlines to see individual datapoints.